Today marks the most pivotal point in the United States' history. We have a fraud who has given illegals amnesty; they drive in our country without documents, killing Americans with cars, guns, and home invasions. At the same time we have a questionable man who is President of the United States, a man with a sketchy background, a communist mother and grandparents,a father whose grandfather followed the most radical communists. Hence Barrack Sr. did the same. We have forged birth certificates, strange social security numbers that do not match this President. His college records are sealed and we all know why: he got a free education as a foreign student. No one in the press wants to admit this, for he is their creation. A black president. No one asked questions in the media; he was fawned over and coddled by his handlers, the press, and voters who fell for his slick presentation.
Many of you have asked the right question. Now it is time for Lady Liberty, who slumbers, to get up, shake herself off, and start demanding answers to these questions and then action. What are we getting for all the bloated spending? How much more will Queen Obama demand to feed the government entitlement programs? The Queen decided no more negotiations on the debt ceiling. The Queen decided that there would be 23 executive orders to cease the mass murders, none of which would have prevented the massacres at Newtown or Aurora. Strange that during his first two years in office with the House and the Senate solidly behind him, he never pushed for gun control. It was not an emergency then to him. He did not care.
After four years he says he cares. Many do not believe him. We know he is using hand-picked children for emotional effect. I wonder where the children are whose letters did not get a response--those who parents are legal gun owners. You know they were sent but trashed. This is a crucial moment. Where are those children's letters, begging for armed guards? They were tossed aside for the ones that fit the Queen's agenda. Like all dictators, he does not represent both sides; instead he plays on the emotions of the people using hype like that we witnessed today.
This is the beginning. Lady Liberty is about to take her place back. She will kick Queen Obama back into the darkness. Stand up for American rights!
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